
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Dress: Anthropologie; Scarf: Gifted; Belt: Francesca's;
Grey Cable Knit Tights: Banana Republic; Boots: Miz Mooz;
Ring: Gifted; Bracelet: Juicy Couture

Only one photo today because the other one is heinous. Lol. Despite my smile in the above photo, I am feeling particularly stressed today . . . which really is just a continuation of my stress from last night. And when I get stressed, I cry. It's just how I deal with things. So Jubie and I sat on the floor of my apartment for about 5 minutes after class last night sobbing. Quite pathetic really. I should be feeling rejuvenated and fresh coming off my Bahamian vacation, however I feel like I've jumped into a black hole with a teeny, tiny light at the end of it. 

So in true Elise fashion, I wrote a "Stress List," consisting of all the things that are stressing me out and then wrote down ways in which I could fix them. I even included the stupid girl who insisted on sitting next to me on the bus, even though there were a million other empty seats available. This then forced me to move my bags and place both LV (consisting of laptop and textbook) and my three 500 pound Rule Books on my lap. And I was scrunched against the wall. Rude. Paralegal class is the main thing kicking my ass right now. I just feel like there is always something due and it is always 500 pages long (exaggeration, but seriously, you know how that feels). Thankfully work isn't too busy right now, otherwise I'd still be curled up in bed hiding from the world. I am also dreading writing another $1,545.00 check to the University for said class. Pretty big chunk of change for 3 classes per week for 3 months. 

Also, Jubie has some weirdo eye thing happening in his right eye which had me leaving work early and rushing him to the vet, only to be sent home with milky eye drops for him 1-hour and $100 later. I had my own "feminine" doctor appointment yesterday, so you can imagine how that left me feeling. Oh, and I leave for Vegas this weekend (which will be SO fun, but at the moment is just causing additional anxiety in my life). And it's rainy, windy, freezing here.

N had to stop by my office this morning to hug me because I was that bad. Good Lord I am going to give myself an ulcer, I swear . . . 

Apologies for this venting post.
I'm not one of those bottle-all-my-feelings-up-inside type of gals.
Cross your fingers for a better mood tomorrow!     

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bahamas Part I

Here are some images from N and my trip to the Bahamas last week! Wish I could be indulging in sun, surf, and coconuts right now . . .

Entrance to the lobby of our hotel, Grand Lucaya Resort, from the beach

Palm Trees are N's favorite

Enjoying the sun and sand in Freeport on Grand Bahama Island

Pina Colada Coconuts from the local marketplace

Loving the Bahamas!

Stay tuned for more photos coming soon!

Monday, February 27, 2012

On Vacation

Pretty in Pink was on vacation all last week!
Stay tuned for new updates beginning tomorrow.


Friday, February 17, 2012

Back, Beads, & Beer

Top: Banana Republic; Jeans: Hudson; Shoes: Vince Camuto;
Headband: Gifted (Nordstrom: Tasha); Necklace: Francesca's;
Bangles: Juicy Couture, Nordstrom

Technically, this top is supposed to be closed in the back, however the little closure at the top always comes undone so I just leave it open, thereby making it an open-back top, which I quite adore.

I could NOT be happier that it's Friday. Seriously. Last night was mildly horrific in that my midterm was way more difficult than initially anticipated and I had to keep myself from crying halfway through. Then, after taking the full 3 class hours to complete the exam, I got on the bus and sat down only to find that I had sat it a puddle of freshly spilt beer. But that wasn't before I wiped my hand on the seat and smelled it to see if it was water. Then I got to freak out over the fact that some smelly, unkempt person probably had just sat here chugging less-than-delicious lager and it was now all over my hand. Bleh. I couldn't really switch seats either because the bus was kinda full and LV was packed to the nines with Court Rule books (each weighing 5 billion pounds) and my Lululemon pants were already soaked with beer anyway so I just sat there feeling sorry for myself. Quite pathetic really. I hate public transportation. Haaaaate it.

At least there's lots to look forward to this weekend. I have a brow wax, mani, and pedi scheduled for this afternoon then N and I are going to the Eikes for dinner for mahi mahi tacos ("but can I just have the one mahi? . . . Because I'm not very hungry" 5 points if you guess what movie that's from. haha). Tomorrow will be filled with last minute errands before jetting off to Florida on Sunday- Woo Whooo!

Have a FAB 3-day weekend!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pins & Stripes

Blouse: F21; Belt: Nordstrom; Skirt: Francesca's;
Tights: Gifted (F21); Boots: Miz Mooz

Necklace: Francesca's; Assorted Bangles: Juicy Couture, Alexis Bittar,
Nordstrom, F21

  Jubelale needed one last goodbye as I was on my way out the door . . .

Like most 20-somethings, I have become completely addicted to Pinterest. I spend more time on that damn website than I do Facebook. I might actually leave Facebook when they force my profile into Timeline . . . it's getting to be too confusing and too much. Oh well, that's a story for another day. SO, while browsing through pins the other day, I came across something that gave me pause and then pulled the "Ew" face while simultaneously texting G the following:

Me: "Someone on Pinterest has a board called 'Breastfeeding. I seriously want to vomit. Why does the pinning world need to see baby suck nipple?! ICK"
G: "I just laughed out loud so hard. LOLOLOL"

I mean, really people. I get the whole "breastfeeding is beautiful thing," (scratch that, I don't get it but I'll pretend to) but it's probably only beautiful if you are the one doing it. In the privacy of your own home. Without a camera. And without sharing it with the entire world. I also don't enjoy the fact that people have started using Pinterest like Facebook, posting photos of their family members and friends . . . who is going to share that or re-pin it? Save it for the social network peeps!   
Sorry for the brief rant. I have a midterm tonight and have been uber stressed over other homework assignments coming up, not to mention that little thing called the Bahamas that is calling my name . . .

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Sweater: Halogen; Belt: Nasty Gal; Jeans: 7 for All Mankind

This is really a post-blog post about last night. Since I had class on coveted Hearts Day, my man graciously waited to eat dinner until after my class was over (9 p.m.). He picked me up and as I approached the car, flowers, chocolates, and a pink card were waiting for me in the front seat. I won't lie, my heart swooned. I haven't had many valentines over the years and I wasn't expecting anything special since N and I depart for the cruise on Sunday, but he truly blew me away with the gesture. And now I get to be that sappy girl that brags about her oh-so-great boyfriend because he is. He really IS. 

Anyway, I kept some of the same elements from the day outfit (blouse, jewelry, and leopard print) for the evening, but the temperature has been dropping so I paired the above outfit with the Miz Mooz brown boots, making it the perfect outfit for a causal pizza dinner.

And now I get to smell lovely floral scents and eat delectable chocolate until my departure on Sunday :)
I hope your Valentine's was filled with love and sweets!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pink's Favorite Holiday

Blouse: J. Crew; Skirt: Express; Belt: Francesca's; Shoes: Enzo Angiolini

 Hair Piece: J. Crew; Necklace and Bracelet: Gifted (Tiffany&Co.); Polish: Snog by Butter
Lips: Ruby Woo by MAC

Happy Hearts Day!

Whether you're celebrating with girlfriends, snuggling up with your honey, or celebrating by drinking a bottle of red with you're cat (hey- that's what I'd be doing if I didn't have a boyfriend . . . don't judge), I hope you have a very happy Valentine's Day. Though it's overrated and consumer-driven, you have to love the fact that there is a day solely dedicated to the heart. It's a time to focus NOT on the fact that you may be single, but that you have family and friends who love and support you in all of life's endeavors. That is truly the most special gift.

N and I have always spent Valentine's Day by taking a weekend trip somewhere. Our first year together we flew out to my family's condo in Sandpoint, Idaho and spent the weekend snuggled up with fabulous champagne, warm fires, and nature walks. Last year we spent the weekend in Vancouver, Canada and dined at a spectacular steakhouse Saturday night while shopping and walking around the public market on Sunday. This year will be no exception, however will be a bit more extravagant by default since the cruise happens to land so close to Valentine's Day. So we always end up spending the actual day itself making dinner and cuddling up on the couch . . . which, when you think about it, isn't a bad way to spend a Tuesday ;) 

Remember . . . . All you need is:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Five Favorites

Chunky Infinity Scarf at $35
-  My sister bought me a similar scarf in black from
the Gap for Christmas. It is my favorite accessory
for when I don't want to try too hard - 

 Starbucks Grande, Nonfat Latte at $3.85
- My typical drink made even more wonderful with
this year's Valentine's Day cup. It simply puts a smile
on my face and a spring in my morning :) -  

 Custom Made Thank You Notes at $0.38 per card
- Tiny Prints has to be one of my all time favorite stationary sites. I 
adore the total personalization of cards with photographs (such as these featuring a 
picture of my brother and I, which I made to thank those who 
supported me and donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Stairclimb). -

Darcy Dot Blouse at $38
- I love this blouse and have already featured it on this blog.
I wore it again this past weekend and can't wait to pair
it with orange chino shorts and wedges while in the
Bahamas next week! Get yours here. -   

Michele 'Urban Mini' Watch Case at $395
- This was one of my graduation gifts from my parents when
I graduated from college. They bought me multiple straps as well
so you can coordinate the watch to match your outfits better.
Though it's a splurge, it's well worth it as it's a timeless piece
that is great for the young, professional woman :) - 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Work ---> HH

Top: Nasty Gal; Jeans: 7 for All Mankind; Shoes: Enzo Angiolini; 
Belt: Unknown; Ring and Bangles: F21
I'm grabbing happy hour with a former co-worker after work today so this seemed like the perfect outfit to transition from work to weekend. If I owned a fur vest (been in the market for one for awhile and just haven't found the perfect fit), I probably would have paired it over the sheer blouse and left it open. Just a vision though ;) I'm currently eating a cupcake for breakfast, which either means that it's going to be a good day or I'm going to be feeling chubs all day for totally undoing all the work I put into working out late at night this week. Whoops! Oh well, Fridays are for celebrating I suppose. Hope your weekend is filled with everything sweet!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Turquoise, Stripes, & Everything Nice

Top: Forever21; Skirt: Halogen; Belt: Unknown; Shoes: Dolce Vita; 
Necklace: F21; Bangles: Juicy Couture, Nordstrom

While waiting in the Starbucks line this morning, the man in front of me who was paying at the register simply turned to me and said, "And what would you like?" I was awkwardly taken aback by this random act of kindness, as he wasn't being a creep or trying to flirt with me or anything. I kindly denied his offer, but he just said, "No seriously, what are you having?" And so I told him, thanked him, and then went on my merry way while he sat with his friend and drank his own beverage. I mean, seriously?! THAT NEVER HAPPENS! These people must be coming back from extinction or something. It's so rare that you meet someone random who actually doesn't want anything from you. I took this as a lesson that random acts of kindness are few and far between; I should do my own part to partake in them more often with others . . . and you should too! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chunky Knit

Sweater: Nick&Mo; Tissue Tee: Trouve; Belt: Unkown;
Jeans: Hudson; Boots: Miz Mooz; 
Bag: Louis Vuitton; Scarf: Gifted (Gap); 
Assorted Bangles: Alexis Bittar, Juicy Couture, Nordstrom 

I totally adore this sweater. It's like a blanket, so of course it was the perfect option for the rainy day happening here in Seattle. My hair is wild because I went to sleep with it wet last night and here is why: I worked out when I got home from class . . . at 10 p.m.! Reason being, yesterday I set my alarm for 6 a.m. (for the umpteenth time!) and I just couldn't bring myself to get out of bed. I grabbed Jubie and set the alarm for 7 a.m. so we could snuggle for another hour. I am so hopeless when it comes to mornings. The only time I'm good at them is when I'm flying away somewhere, then I'm like super excited and eager to get all cute for the airport. But anyway, the morning workout situation was just NOT happening so I figure, I stay up for another 2 hours when I get home from class anyway, why not be productive and shed some calories? This is made easier by the fact that my apartment complex has a pretty decent gym in the lobby with a TV. So I threw on running clothes, regretted leaving Jubelale for another hour (he's going to hate me because I keep leaving him, I swear), and got to watch Parenthood (best. show. ever!) while I ran. I am getting very nervous about being in a bikini in 2 weeks since I never get to workout anymore . . . Operation Tone Up is underway!

Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Polka Dot Blue

Top: Nasty Gal; Slacks: Gap; Shoes: Michael Kors; Clutch: Hobo;
Aviators: Ray Ban; Assorted Bangles: Alexis Bittar, Nordstrom;
Lips: Chanel Gloss 04

 Jubelale's Collar: Sweet Pickles Designs

I recently discovered this fantastic website online called Nasty Gal. Despite the horrific name, they have some phenomenal clothes, like the blouse pictured above, which I am itching to pair with white jeans and strappy sandals in the summer. Seattle has been unseasonably warm for February and the sun has been shining daily which is a real treat. I secretly hope it gets gross though before we leave for our cruise so we don't miss out on some fantastic weather, though it's bound to be warmer in Florida and the Bahamas than here anyway. 

This morning on my way to work some weirdo man with a Texas stache asked if I would like to have lunch with him. I said, "No, thank you." Then he said, "Are you sure?" Like, Oh! Now that you mention it, yes. I do want to have lunch with you! I don't know why I said "no" mere milliseconds ago. Creepy. 

Side note: Madonna's Halftime performance was HORRIBLE on Sunday. I love "Just Like A Prayer" as much as the next girl (maybe even more), but when an icon such as she gets up on stage in awkward Egyptian clothing and lip-syncs all of her songs, I have to be disappointed. It's just not cool. I'd rather have her stand up there and actually sing without bleachers, dancers, headdresses, and Cee-Lo regardless of their marketing effect. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Superbowl Stuffing

So, even though I am not the most domestic of children, I do have my fair share of specialties that some family members love to drool over (myself included). For example, my stuffed mushrooms, which I only make once or twice a year for the holidays (and/or special occasions, such as Superbowl Sunday) are easy-peasy to make and absolutely delish! Because I appreciate my 18 22 (as of yesterday! woop, woop!) readers, I thought I would share the recipe with you :) You will need:

2 Philadelphia Cream Cheese squares (softened)
4-6 green onions (chopped)
1/2 lb. of bacon (cooked crispy & chopped)
2 cartons of medium-sized stuffing mushrooms

Carve out the insides of the mushrooms with
a serrated spoon. Save the insides of the mushrooms
(NOT the stem!) in a separate bowl.

Mix together the cream cheese, bacon,
green onions, and mushroom insides

Stuff each mushroom just to the rim with the mixture

Place in the oven at 350 degrees and cook for about 12 minutes,
or until brown juice begins to form at the bottom of the baking dish.

Serve Immediately

Happy Superbowl and

Friday, February 3, 2012

Copy Cat

 Top: Purchased in Italy (Denny Rose); Skirt: Kische;
Belt: Francesca's; Shoes: Vince Camuto; 
Assorted Bangles: F21, Nordstrom, Juicy Couture

 I just had to include this picture because Jubie
was being an attention whore.

Aviators: Ray-Ban; Studs: Nordstrom; Ring: Gifted; 
Polish: OPI, Lincoln Park After Dark; Lips: MAC, Hot Tahiti

I stole this outfit idea from Miss Adorable over at The Daybook. I love the idea of wearing a maxi in winter! So comfy and chic. The only thing I wish she would have identified is what shoes she wore. I paired my skirt with heels because it was short enough (and let's be honest, I live in heels), but I wonder what shoes she's wearing in the picture below?
I fear that if you were to pair a maxi with boots, you'd look like some lady from the days of yore, scouring the market for rotted vegetables (don't ask me where I got that). Anyway, it is a sunny day in Seattle and sunshine is on the forecast for the next 5 days so let's hope it stays that way!

Happy Friday from Pretty in Pink!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Five Favorites

Rebecca Minkoff 'Striped Diamond' Canvas Tote at $195
- When I saw this tote in the January Nordstrom catalog, I
knew I just had to have it for the Bahama cruise. It is
the best color and perfect for lounging by the pool or
taking a catamaran trip -

MAC Matte Lipstick in Ruby Woo at $14.50
- I adore this lip color! It is my absolute favorite to
use when wanting to add that little extra something to
an outfit. Plus, N loves it ;) -

Curly Girl Designs Card at $3.95
- Absolutely anything by Leigh at Curly Girl Designs is
amazing! However, this card is one of my all-time faves.
Her items are so unique and special, you can purchase
cards, wall decor, calendars, journals, etc. here: Curly Girl Design -

LuciusArt "I Heart LA" Print at $39
- I stumbled across this graphic designer on Pinterest, and
while scouring through his products, found this gem of a
print. I mean, hello? I still call LA, "home." Purchasing
this immediately if not sooner! Find your city here: LuciusArt

Stairways to Paris Dress at $35.20
- I also came across this vendor via Pinterest and just
ordered this fantastic dress! I can't wait to belt it and pair
it with my killer MK crocodile heels. Fabulous, no?! Buy
yours here: Urbanog

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Old School Glamour

This is a picture of Ama before one of her high school proms. Helloooo, Fabulous! I mean, seriously?
She looks amazing. And I want that dress!

 Dress (worn as top): Lipsy; Skirt: Express; Tights: F21;
Shoes: Vince Camuto;  Studs: Nordstrom
Polish: OPI, Lincoln Park After Dark

 Sunglasses: Versace

Ama was so embarrassed when my mom pulled this photo up on her iPad and started sharing it with people at my brother's 21st birthday party. Everyone thought it was incredible (including the 21-year-old boys running around), of course, and Ama just sat there looking all flustered- she's too modest. I've already made plans to blow this photo up to an 8x10 and hang it somewhere fantastic in my apartment.

Cobalt blue has become my new favorite color. I mean, I will always be a pink girl, but there's something about that rich blue that keeps me coming back for more. It's doing serious damage to my bank account, I tell you! Anyway, I am SO happy it's February! January was just a bit too drab. I mean, there were some fun things thrown in (brother's 21st and picking up Jubie) but I think I officially feel like 2012 can start for me- which is a great feeling :) Plus, N and I are officially 18 days away from the Caribbean! Woo who!