

 The Girl
 I'm a California native who has been living in Seattle since June of 2008. My camera, Hobo wallet, and Longchamp tote are all pink. I find it a necessary accent color and staple in life. I LOVE mustard and bacon (not in that order and not together). I also like sparkly things and enjoy wearing tiaras in the comfort of my own home (and sometimes on airplanes . . . only when it's on/around/near my birthday) for no apparent reason other than to make myself feel better about life. I am also probably entirely too obsessed with my gray tabby cat named Jubelale.

The Outfits

All outfits posted on this blog are ones that I actually wear the day they are posted. And if I happen to be using images that were not taken 'day of,' I will certainly inform you. I like to dress up as much as the next girl but let's be honest, it's never fun to be all dressed up if you have nowhere to go! I need my daily work outfits to be fun and functional for a professional setting downtown in the Emerald City. However, on the weekends, all bets are off and anything is fair game ;)

The Disclaimer
As a legal professional, I feel obligated to state the following: all views, thoughts, and opinions shared on this blog are mine and mine alone. They do not reflect anyone else. In addition, I totally LOVE the fact that you might want to share my thoughts and/or outfits with the world. If you do, please just be sure to give credit where credit is due- I don't kill my feet in these 5-inch heels for nothing!