
Thursday, March 31, 2011

E & M Do Vegas in a 30-Hour Turnaround Trip

VEGAS- A Play by Play

. . . of the 30-hours during which M and E indulged in sun, el jefes, mardi gras beads, bud light limes, elevator dancing, hummer limos, and Co-Cabana Queen status.

3:45 a.m.: Meg and Elise wake up at Elise’s house and put on some clothes and mascara.

4:15 a.m.: Meg and Elise depart Elise’s house for SeaTac airport in order to make 6 a.m. flights to Vegas. Elise is a happy morning person because she woke up early to go to Vegas.

4:45 a.m.: Meg and Elise arrive at airport, park car, and proceed through security swimmingly due to having carry-on luggage only.

5:15 a.m.: Meg and Elise part ways and go to respective gates for 6 a.m. flights. Elise gets bagel and coffee. Meg gets nothing due to Alaska Airlines royally screwing her over and allowing boarding to commence earlier than expected at 5:45 a.m. Meg is angry. Elise is happy.

8:30 a.m.: Meg and Elise arrive in Vegas! Meet at baggage claim and take super cheap shuttle bus ($6.50 per person) to Luxor hotel.

9:30 a.m.: Meg and Elise paid $10 to check in early at Luxor hotel- they coast through check-in and go to hotel room in pyramid.

10:00 a.m.: Meg and Elise put on swimsuits and cover-ups and head to Quizno’s so Meg can get food. G texts Elise to make sure they have made it to Vegas. Elise confirms. Meg eats. Meg is happy.

10:30 a.m.: Meg and Elise purchase 2 large cans of Bud Light lime each and 50 SPF sunscreen so Meg won’t burn as in past years. Meg and Elise head to pool.

11:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.: Meg and Elise take time to sunbathe in 80 degree weather and chat about life before meeting boys at cabana. G & D ask about Zag whereabouts. Boys find girls. Hugging ensues.

1:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.: Meg and Elise are announced at cabana and hugging ensues with D, C, M, J, Dsquared, and others. El Jefes are poured and t-shirts are passed out. Drink, drink, drink. Party, party, party. Temporary tattoos are put on anyone and everyone. ‘Cabana Queen’ sash, wand, and tiara are passed between Elise and Meg. Mardi gras beads everywhere. G makes Elise put on pink, fluffy, and molting gorilla suit. Elise complains whole time. People take pictures. Elise is temporarily mad at G. Meg wins at beer pong. Meg and Elise are very drunk and kind of stoned. Meg Irish dances and everybody claps. Boys and girls make plans to go out to dinner at 9 p.m. Meg and Elise leave cabana.

6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.: Meg and Elise decide against better judgment to not take naps and get straight to showering. Meg showers first- all is well. Elise attempts to get in shower and completely eats shit, therefore lying spread eagle face-up on shower floor butt-ass naked. Elise curses. Meg laughs. Elise is glad she is drunk so there is no pain from fall. Elise and Meg manage to do make-up, hair, and look really hot. To this day they still do not know how they pulled it off due to still being very drunkitty drunk drunk.

8:30 p.m.: Meg and Elise arrive at boys’ suite to collect them for dinner. There is confusion on boys’ whereabouts as C and M are only ones in suite. Elise calls G- G says he is coming. G appears at 8:50 p.m. still in cabana clothes. Elise scolds G for being late and not ready.

9:00 p.m.: Elise is somewhat irritated as D and D are still missing. G says he will call them. Elise and Meg have a drink and hang out with M and C in suite. Elise calls restaurant and changes reservation to 9:30 p.m.

9:10 p.m.: G, D, and D all appear in suite looking spiffy. Meg and Elise collect J and first-timer F and all head down to taxi line.

9:20 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.: Group arrives at The Forum shops near Caesar’s Palace to have dinner at Sushi Roku by 9:30 p.m. Elise is excited because this is her favorite sushi restaurant. Boys are excited too, except for G who is almost falling asleep at table. Elise gives G ‘Elise look’ and G orders Monster Energy drink. G wakes up. Sushi arrives and eating ensues. Talk, talk, talk. Drink, drink, drink. Elise ordered too much sushi for table and feels bad that crunchy spicy tuna rolls are going to waste. Everyone is satisfied and full. D says he will take the check. Check arrives. Bill is $417.00. Meg and Elise gape and feel bad. D says, “no big deal” and pays. Elise and Meg are eternally grateful.

11:15 p.m.: D, G, D, J, Elise and Meg leave restaurant and get in taxi line to go to The Cosmopolitan Hotel to see live band that D is raving about. D lights joint in taxi. Meg and Elise gape that taxi driver allows this. Smoke, smoke, smoke.

11:30 p.m. – 1:30 a.m.: Group arrives at bar where band is playing. Everyone loves the music. D, Meg, Elise and G dance like crazy all the while thinking that everyone else is dancing too. Nobody else is dancing. Meg and Elise don’t care. Dance, dance, dance. Drink, drink, drink. Elise takes shoes off in bar because her feet hurt in 5-inch sparklers. Security guard gets mad at Elise. Elise puts shoes back on and whines a little bit.

1:45 a.m. – 2:30 a.m.: Group leaves hotel to go back to Luxor. D sees huge Hummer limo and says, “we are taking that.” Elise and Meg gape for the third time that evening. All 5 people walk over to Hummer limo and get in. It is huge. Everybody is happy and dancing and drinking. Limo arrives back at Luxor and J and D go off to gamble. Elise, Meg, D, and G want to keep partying.

2:30 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.: Meg, D, Elise, and G go back to boys’ suite to make drinks and figure out where to go next. G grabs bucket of beer and all pile into random Luxor elevator. Everybody dances. G plays music out loud from ipod. All four people stay dancing and drinking in elevator as people get on and off. Elise is confused but dances anyway. Finally everyone gets out of elevator and Elise and Meg go back to room to pass out.

9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.: Elise and Meg wake up still in full outfits, hair, and make-up from last night. They both curse and cry for water and McDonald’s egg mcmuffins. G and D verify that girls are alive. Girls say they will meet boys at cabana. Elise and Meg reluctantly put on clothes and pack while reminiscing about evening. Laugh, laugh, laugh.

10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.: Elise and Meg check out of Luxor and give bags to temporary baggage holder person. Girls go to McDonald’s and finally get egg mcmuffins. Girls are happier and less hungover than expected.

11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.: Elise and Meg hang out in cabana while drinking bud light limes and freezing due to cold and overcast weather. They watch basketball and eat some pizza. Everyone reminisces about last night’s evening and how great it was to see everyone.

2:10 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.: Meg and Elise start to say goodbye to boys. Hugs and ‘see you next year’ ensues.

2:45 p.m. – 4:25 p.m.: Elise and Meg hang out at Las Vegas airport and eat some food. They look at pictures from the epic 30-hour trip and talk about how crazy but lucky they are. They board their Alaska flight direct back to SeaTac and sleep almost the whole way.

The End.

I should finish this story by saying that Meg and I did the ultimate rally and went straight from the airport to ‘Kings’ in order to say hi to Shellooe and have some beers because it was his bday. We were champs.


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