
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Feathers, Friends, and Fabulous Wine!

On Saturday, M and I drove out to Yakima (aka: The Palm Springs of Washington) to have a wine-tasting tour with B and K. We woke up at 7:30 a.m. to start our drive at 8:30 since a towncar was to pick us up at noon for our wine-tasting extravaganza! Unfortunately, the night before, M and I had been out late at the Little Red Hen (super hick country bar that has a live band & is a total blast) for G’s birthday, so waking up that morning was rough, but we made it with the help of McDonald's egg mcmuffins (always an M and E saving grace!). We arrived with plenty of time to hydrate and get ready. B and K packed a delicious picnic lunch that we enjoyed at the second winery we visited. Yakima was sporting beautiful weather with constant sun and puffy white clouds. At our last winery, we found these adorable wine accessories! They are like headbands for your wine glasses and we each got one- check 'em out:

Individuals wine accessories from left to right: Me, M, B, and K

SO CUTE, RIGHT?! Anyway, that night we went to a local dive bar to watch B's brother's band play and danced the night away. Around 12:30 a.m. M and I kept falling asleep at the bar because we were so exhausted from the past 24 hours! We had to wake up early AGAIN (8:30 a.m.) on Sunday because poor M had to catch a work flight to South Dakota at 3 p.m. I was so hungover and felt so gross! But it turned out well because it was a beautiful and I mean, truly beautiful day in Seattle! 66 degrees, no wind, and straight sunshine! So I chugged that water, determined to go play outside and feel good about it! N and I watched the Mariners lose on TV, made some breakfast burritos (I got fancy shmancy and made them with canadian bacon, tomatoes, and goat cheese), then threw on our boatshoes and shorts and headed out to Alki Beach with a frisbee! We ate ice cream (N got a double scoop with bubblegum and mint chocolate chip ice cream- which I find totally adorable. The ice cream man even said, "that's awesome" when I placed the order) and basked in the sun. I hit a few people on the beach with the frisbee, but that was ok ;) It was glorious. And of course yesterday (Monday) it was totally windy and there was slanted rain everywhere and my poor Minnie Skinny crop pants from J. Crew got soaked to my skin and my buckle flats had little lakes forming in them as a result of my walk to work. ICK. So when I got in my office, I grabbed a coffee and shut my door so that people would think I was working- but really I was just reminiscing about Sunday Funday with N and the fact that I hope the upcoming Seattle summer will be filled with tons of days like that one! 

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