
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

4 Birthday Outfits to Celebrate 25

I decided that I need to start sharing my outfits with the world. Especially since I no longer have a roommate and all my favorite office friends at work are leaving me for other endeavors- Whhaaaaaa! Poor me :( They were the ones who always liked my outfits too. So now I'll have to post my gross morning face on the blog-o-sphere, of which I am a teeny tiny bit nervous about. EEK. So I'm starting off slow and providing you with 4 outfits that I wore to celebrate my turning a Quarter-of-a-Century a week or so ago:

OUTFIT #1: Shopping in Seattle
Top: Nordstrom Rack, Belt: Francesca's,
Chino Shorts: J. Crew, Bracelet: Alexis Bittar, Bangles: Nordstrom
Aviator Sunglasses: Ray Ban  

OUTFIT #2: Dining at Dahlia
Top: Forever21, Shorts: Express, Shoes: Jessica Simpson,
Cocktail Ring: Sway and Cake, Bag: Louis Vuitton, Bangles: Nordstrom

OUTFIT #3: Celebrating at Sushi Roku
Top: Trouve, Skirt: Francesca's
Necklace: gift from bff L, Shoes (not shown): Jessica Simpson
(same as in photo located above)

OUTFIT #4: Oktoberfest in Cali
Dress: Anthropologie, Belt: Nordstrom,
Sandals: Dolce Vita, Aviator Sunglasses: Ray Ban

WARNING: I probably won't fashion blog every day because (let's be honest), I wake up way too late sometimes to even feed myself before work. Also- I will not be this smiley, as I am not a morning person. The End. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend Highlights

This past weekend seemed to go on forever and it was AWESOME! N and I drove to Portland Friday night and stayed with my cousin so N could attend some training from 11-4 on Saturday. As a result, I got to reunite with some of my favorite friends. We went to the Portland Farmer's Market, which was held on the PSU campus and it was huge! We got breakfast burritos and surveyed the local fare . . . Frankie has become a total Portlandite and G and I tried our best not to look out of place with LV bags and brown leather jackets. Not sure we pulled it off (I was wearing ridiculous 4-inch wedges), but we had a blast nonetheless :)
And how cute is this photo?!:

Me, Frankie, and G!

After N's training, we drove back to Seattle and before going home, stopped by his baseball team party. We ended up hanging out there until almost 1 a.m. N won 2 awards (yay!) and we all sat by the campfire telling various "how did you meet your significant other" stories. It was cool to finally meet the boys without their helmets, hats, and gloves and it was great getting to know their gals too! On Saturday morning it was GAME DAY- woo who! The first Seahawks home game was graced with rain, sun, and wind (typical). We stopped by Sluggers before the game, and I got to sport my new jersey that N bought me for my bday:

 Nicky is super excited!

Our season seats are really cool and we had a great view! I'm excited for all the upcoming games. And the best part was . . . THE SEAHAWKS WON!


I think the sunshine had something to do with it . . .

The Emerald City

And then we all drank a liiiiiiittle bit too much at the 2 bars we went to after the game. And we all went back to N's apartment to go night swimming, but the water was FREEZING so we had to warm up with Domino's pizza before passing out around 9:45 p.m. Ahhhhh- what a weekend. Hope yours was just as fabulous!

Friday, September 23, 2011

What's On My Phone?!

What's On My Phone?!

I scored a 3-Day DMB Caravan ticket for The Gorge from some loving soul on Craigslist for $125!:
He even Fed-Exed it to me from San Fran!
Talk about a trusting soul . . .

Ok seriously- how hilar is this?! I found it on and
desperately want to buy it for my brother and his roommates for
their house at GU. My mom's friend said that they should put it above
the toilet, that way, when they go pee they can try on different 'staches.
Although . . . then you might have pee everywhere.

This was the view we had of West Seattle from The Pink Door when Mommy and friend came to visit:
Right at the front of the outside terrace!
Best seat in the house if I do say so myself :)

N and Bum enjoying the Cali sunshine while playing at home in Cali:
This was the day N and I had to leave . . . I almost
cancelled our flights so we could stay to enjoy the view
and splash in the pool at our neighbor's house!

Nicky and I ditched the gym to play at the Hard Rock after work:
love this boy.

love this spot!


Have a fab weekend kids! XOXO

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Elise Face . . .

Ever since I was young, I have had this horrific habit of making a terrible face when A. someone is unnecessarily staring at me, B. someone is wearing an ugly outfit (this reason happened later in life), C. someone is trying to engage me in a conversation in which I want no part, D. someone is saying something stupid and/or making no sense, E. . . . ok, we won't continue but you get my drift. My mom always likes to tell the story of when I was just a wee infant (still less than a year old) sitting in my stoller at the grocery store, and a nice woman came up to coo over how adorable I was and I just gave this look that said, "Ew. Please don't talk to me or touch me." My mom says she was horrified. Though this face has a few variations, my friends have come to call it 'the Elise face' and smack me everytime I display it. It truly is a horrible habit, but seriously- I don't even know when I make the face! Even N looks at me sometimes and goes, 'Inky! Stop looking like that!' (Inky is a pet name actually derived from 'stinky'- see how much my boyfriend loves me?) Good lord. Either way, this past weeked one of the Elise faces was captured on camera and I just could NOT believe it. How terrible is this?! 

I look like a total bitch!
Poor waitress at Sushi Roku didn't even know what hit her.
I swear I'm nice! I pinky, pinky swwwearrrr!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mommy Bigley + 1

Two weekends ago my daddy was finally allowed able to fulfill one of his life long dreams and climb Mt. Rainier here in Seattle! It's a good thing he has a daughter (NOT yours truly . . . the more adventurous and daring one, L) and a few mountaineering friends that wanted to do it with him, because I think if he had been by himself we all would have freaked. Anyway, since daddy and daughter would be away ice-axing and roping their way through crevasses, Mommy Bigley decided to come visit the daughter that prefers shopping blisters over hiking ones, and red wine over REI-brand extra energy goo :) She came with a friend of hers (A) from home and we spent the weekend eating, drinking, shopping, drinking, eating, drinking . . . . (are you sensing a trend here?) in the glorious sunshine! It was mid-80s all weekend, which meant we walked all over the city. We went wine tasting in the middle of the afternoon (it was really just liquid courage for A, who purchased a totally gorg $2,000 Gucci bag later in the day) . . .

The Tasting Room in Post Alley in downtown Seattle
(Me, Mommy, A)

And browsed shop after shop. Mama Biggs bought me an adorable rabbit fur hat that will be perfect for cold Seattle days when there is mist hanging in the air and my hair risks being swooshed and ratted in the wind, rain, sleet, and snow:

The peacock feather is my favorite :)

And then of course we had our own little happy hour at my apartment before going to dinner at The Pink Door . . . 

The (always fabulous) Pink Door

It was quite a fabulous weekend and after Mama and A left, N and I hit up the Ms game with my co-worker, K and her bf- then we went to The Hard Rock and sat on the terrace eating nachos and drinking delicious cold beverages. N and I stayed there for a long time, before finally running a quick errand, then stopping at a local Italian place for some stromboli (which I had never had before), and then we ended the evening with night swimming :) Ahhhh summer days . . . .

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Music Festivaling

Heyyyyoooo! Haven't blogged in over a week! Whew! Apologies, my friends. Fall is always just as busy for me as summer. Nevertheless, in the past two weeks I have graced George, WA for the annual DMB concert, attended the local music festival known as Bumbershoot here in Seattle, and Mommy Bigley came to visit me with one of her dear friends/neighbors from the lane (aka: where we live in Cali). It's been filled with laughter, sunshine (lots!), and a plethora of alcoholic beverages. Here are some highlights from the past few weeks of weekending:

The Gorge:
Epitome of Gorge-ing: tents, nasty beer,
flip cup, and SUNSHINE!

Candids with Stuart- works everytime!

THE EIKES! (and their Gorge outfits)

Captain Johnboy

Passenger Shellooe

Hot chicks- boating at Vantage

BDE with the satchel, tan lines, and De Walt

White Trash Denim by Johnboy and Yours Truly

BDE and Williamson- Slapping the bag and chugging
the Franzia


Bumbershoot 2011:

N and I hit up the headlining act, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis,
in Key Arena. This was the part where Mack asked where the
70s, 80s, and 90s babies were at. When he announced the 90s more
than half of the stadium screamed and threw their hands up. N and I felt
hella old.

N totally loves Macklemore and for that reason,
I saved our seats while he went to go meet the rapper and
get stuff signed. Little did I know that he would be in a line of
teeny-boppers so long that I would have to enjoy the next show
by myself . . . .

Which ended up being non other than Wiz Khalifa, who my brother
was jealous I was seeing live, but I felt super awkward about given
that I was just this white girl rockin out to Wiz by herself.

I inhaled more weed from the 16-year-old kid smoking next to
me than I have in my entire life (on the few occasions that I have indulged)
and attempted to dance by my lonesome, only to end up feeling stupid
so I just stood there and bopped my head around like a weirdo.
Aaaaaaand I'm exhausted from just writing and reminiscing about all that. Mommy Bigley's visit will have to be blogged about next week I'm afraid . . . . Toodles!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blind Eye

Ok- this is truly getting extremely frustrating. Because I was too lazy to call up my eye doc in Cali and request a new order of contacts (which usually takes a good 2 weeks to arrive), I have been walking around half blind for over a week! Meaning that I have been wearing only ONE (yes, 1 . . . uno) contact because the left eye one ripped and I have no more left. So now I am stuck wearing my glasses all the time, which I'm sure are thrilled to be out of their case and seeing sunlight, instead of holed up in their normal resting place in the darkness of their Versace case day after day. But seriously, I think I gave a girl at the gym the stink eye the other day because I was doing sit-ups and only the right eye could see properly and I was all squinty and sweaty and it was just bad.

Not too mention that the old woman receptionist at my Cali doc office simply REFUSES to fax my eye history over to my new doc due to patient-doc confidentiality and all that crap. I mean, c'mon, its my EYES not my oh-so-private-female-parts! To make matters worse, my Cali doc was on vacay all last week and now he is back but totally slammed and old lady receptionist says that he is just "soooooo busy." I called her up this morning and said with a bit of nerve, "Well, I have an appointment with my new doctor tomorrow and they really need my eye history. I really don't think it takes that long to send a fax." She pretty much hung up on me after that. RUDE. I really dislike her.

UGH. And now my dad is FORCING me to come into his office over my bday weekend when I am home in Cali to have a cavity filled. Damnitalltohell!

Friday, September 2, 2011

SPOILED sweet . . . not rotten

One of the greatest women on Earth came to visit me last weekend . . . AMA! Omg, we had the most fantastic time! Here's how it all went down. On Thursday night I stocked up at TJ's with lots of fabulous appys and white wine in preparation for her Friday night arrival:

Ama only drinks white . . . She's so classy :)
As I left TJ's, the checkout lady said, "Have fun getting
drunk with your grandma!" HA.

I also picked up some gorg flowers from Pike Place to add splashes of color to our cocktail hours at my apartment:

In true Ama fashion, she landed at SeaTac at 4:20 p.m. so that she was at my office downtown by 5:00 on the dot- Heaven forbid we waste a moment with one another :) And guess what? She picked me up in a limo! Leave it to Ama to sweep into the city in style!
Fancy Pants

Then we indulged in lots of white wine and I made delicious appys!:
From Right to Left: Fresh melon wrapped in prosciutto (ECB creation),
Feta cheese with carmelized onion puff pasteries (TJs), and
Fresh heirloom tomatoes paired with buffala mozzarella- balsalmic vinegar,
olive oil, and salt to taste (ECB creation)- I'm so fancy, no?!

The next day we woke around 10 a.m. and flinted off to Tom Douglas' Etta's for brunch. It was delicious! We played at Pike Place and picked up a few items from the local vendors (paintings for Ama and a necklace for me). Then it was off to LV for my new tote! We were surrounded by beautiful bunches of hydrangeas and given bottles of Evian as we shopped. Here I am with my final purchase:
I heart LV

After that we went shopping at Anthro and I found some great finds on the sale rack. I also discovered some great bowls for my apartment, as I recently realized that I always run out of them! Ama and I decided that it was time for a midday pick-me-up, so we went to The Hard Rock to sit on the rooftop terrace and enjoy some cool beers:
Cheers from a lounging Ama!


We ended up staying on the terrace for 3+ hours and N met up with us and we all had GandTs. Then we realized that we had dinner reservations at Dahlia Lounge at 8 p.m. and there was simply NO TIME for Ama and I to shower so we quickly cabbed it home, fluffed up our hair, put on a second layer of makeup and this was the result:
I love when Ama comes to visit :)

At Dahlia we indulged in blackberry margs and N secretly crept away to tell them it was my birthday so I got a special chocolate lava-black cherry cake surprise :)
Blackberry Marg

Happy (early) Birthday to me! 

After dinner, Ama and I changed into our pjs and watched a movie. The following morning we brunched at The Georgian in The Fairmont Hotel and then rode The Ducks as a fun, touristy thing for Ama to experience. Then I dropped her off at the airport and it was a little bit sad but we had such a FABULOUS time, the weather was perfect 80s all weekend, and I just am the luckiest granddaughter that ever lived I think. If you don't have an Ama, you should really look into getting one . . .