
Monday, September 19, 2011

Mommy Bigley + 1

Two weekends ago my daddy was finally allowed able to fulfill one of his life long dreams and climb Mt. Rainier here in Seattle! It's a good thing he has a daughter (NOT yours truly . . . the more adventurous and daring one, L) and a few mountaineering friends that wanted to do it with him, because I think if he had been by himself we all would have freaked. Anyway, since daddy and daughter would be away ice-axing and roping their way through crevasses, Mommy Bigley decided to come visit the daughter that prefers shopping blisters over hiking ones, and red wine over REI-brand extra energy goo :) She came with a friend of hers (A) from home and we spent the weekend eating, drinking, shopping, drinking, eating, drinking . . . . (are you sensing a trend here?) in the glorious sunshine! It was mid-80s all weekend, which meant we walked all over the city. We went wine tasting in the middle of the afternoon (it was really just liquid courage for A, who purchased a totally gorg $2,000 Gucci bag later in the day) . . .

The Tasting Room in Post Alley in downtown Seattle
(Me, Mommy, A)

And browsed shop after shop. Mama Biggs bought me an adorable rabbit fur hat that will be perfect for cold Seattle days when there is mist hanging in the air and my hair risks being swooshed and ratted in the wind, rain, sleet, and snow:

The peacock feather is my favorite :)

And then of course we had our own little happy hour at my apartment before going to dinner at The Pink Door . . . 

The (always fabulous) Pink Door

It was quite a fabulous weekend and after Mama and A left, N and I hit up the Ms game with my co-worker, K and her bf- then we went to The Hard Rock and sat on the terrace eating nachos and drinking delicious cold beverages. N and I stayed there for a long time, before finally running a quick errand, then stopping at a local Italian place for some stromboli (which I had never had before), and then we ended the evening with night swimming :) Ahhhh summer days . . . .

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