
Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday Semi-Fun Day

Originally I was going to call this post 'Sunday No Fun Day,' but then I decided that I actually did have a liiiiiittle bit of fun, so I didn't want to lie to ya'll.

Something crazy has happened. Like crazy as in 'I'm not sure who I have become' crazy. Yesterday I was watching the Seahawks game by myself (Ummm hello?! By myself?! This is clearly CRAZY THING #1) while doing Paralegal Cert homework (Aren't I a good student?!). I threw on my jersey (CRAZY THING #2) because I clearly felt that some super-human, sports-god would look down upon my fan-dome as totally worthy of a Hawks win (CRAZY THING #3). Well, the sports-god HATED me because the Hawks played like stupid and there were some pretty lame calls against us and we lost to the Browns 3 to 6 (I mean, COME ON! 3 to 6?! Amateurs....)

Anyway, the worst part about this was that I actually became emotionally affected by the loss. Like I wanted to cry (CRAZY THING #4) but instead just cracked open a few SnowCaps and craved fried chicken. How gross is that? The princess in me must take a hiatus on Sundays because that was simply ridiculous. However, when N came back from running errands he totally brought me the best fried chicken ever and said, "Welcome to becoming a Seattle sports fan." So then we drank Dr. Peppers and watched Bridesmaids.

But the Hawks loss still makes my blood boil and I get all pissy just thinking about it. SERIOUSLY?! Who am I? I have a feeling my Sundays will continue to consist of the following:

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