
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

On the Third Date of Christmas . . .

In front of the Fairmont Christmas Tree
Photo Cred: G and her no-flash iphone

So G and I both agreed that last night's Christmas date was probably the most Christmasy thing either of us had done all season . . . and it's a good thing too because it was pretty much perfection! I arrived at the Fairmont just in time to snag a table on The Terrace where happy hour was already in full swing. The show wasn't until 7:30 so G and I had loads of time to catch up on life. Also, the service was verrryyy slow so it was good we made it there when we did-otherwise we'd be running to the show like Cinderella at midnight (hehe). Anyway, we indulged in some wonderful treats such as:

Lavender Martinis w/ Dusted Sugar Rim; Popcorn Shrimp Lightly Coated w/
Chili Spice and served with Tomato Tartar; Kobe Beef and Foie Gras Sliders
served w/ Truffle Bacon Mayonnaise

Simply divine! G is also my fellow dessert-orderer so we ALWAYS get two a dessert to share when we go out. On this particular occasion we just had to splurge for two and ended up with:

Bananas Foster Creme Brulee; Vanilla and Peanut Butter
Ice Cream Sandwiches

And then it was showtime! We dashed off to the theatre and took our seats in Orchestra to watch Cinderella among tweens, moms, and little girls alike. It was adorable (with the exception of some very slight inaccuracies) and we definitely compared it to the movie-version with Brandi and Whitney Houston. I think G and I both walked away wanting the Fairy Godmother's shimmering, cobalt blue, chiffon gown . . . and Cinderella's glass slippers of course . . .

Pure magic, I tell you!

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