
Friday, March 2, 2012

Viva Las Zags & String Cheese

Tee: Tart; Belt: Francesca's; Jeans: Hudson; Boots: Miz Mooz;
Jacket: Burberry; Opal Necklace: Gifted; Watch: Michele;
Bangles: Nordstrom, Alexis Bittar

 This is how much I wear these boots!
As is evidenced by the blatant wood sole showing through the
right boot. Need to call a shoe repairman stat!

 All wrapped up!
Infinity Scarf: Gifted (Gap)

After work I am headed to Vegas for the WCC Tournament. I'll be with my fam which I am very much looking forward to because I have been missing them lately. J is 21 now so we will all be engaged in lots of legal fun! I do feel terrible about leaving little Jubie however, since I was just gone for a whole week. N will be around to take care of him though so they can just have a guys weekend while I'm gone :)

PS: Are grown-ups not allowed to eat string cheese anymore? Personally, I love the stuff and continue to string it away daily (its the only way to eat it) but why are there always cartoons and jokes on the front of them like the Flinstone Push Pops? I feel like I should be ashamed to be eating string cheese in public. It makes me uncomfortable. And just last night in class, I was stringing my string cheese and eating it and felt like the whole room was staring at me for doing so. Let's be honest, there is no sexy way to eat string cheese so you might as well eat it the way you like and make sure you don't let any strings drop on your face or down your shirt . . . 

Have you had a string cheese today?

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