
Thursday, May 10, 2012


Dress: Gifted (Max Studio); Sweater: Halogen; Shoes: Zara;
Necklace: Francesca's; Bangles: F21, Alexis Bittar, Juicy Couture;
Ring: JewelMint 

There is no other reason for the title of today's post other than the fact that I had pancakes for dinner last night. Chocolate-chip ones at that. Sometimes life calls for a little breakfast at dinner time. Apologies for not posting yesterday. I had a terrible migraine and was unable to make it into work. And since I spent the day in workout clothes, I hardly think that would be worthy of an outfit post. Such a bummer too because it really was so sunny yesterday . . . but guess what, it's the same today! :) PS: It is going to be 95 in Vegas this weekend! NINETY. FIVE. I am so ready for some heat like that . . . I miss it.  

Hope you're experiencing rays of sunshine wherever you are! PS: HUGE thank-you to all my recent new followers- you keep me smiling and optimistic about what the future holds! XO


  1. I've never commented on a blog before (I'm new to this whole thing but already addicted) but just wanted to say I love your positive and spunky personality/attitude! Have a fantastic time in Vegas this weekend! PS I'm wearing the same Zara shoe's today :)

    1. Ms. Unknown- THANK YOU for your kind words! Put a smile on my face for sure :) Happy we could be shoe twins yesterday! I'm thinking of getting them in the red/purple combo as well. Have a FAB weekend! Thanks for following! xo

  2. My names Sydney - hopefully I edited my profile correctly so I no longer have to be "unknown" :) Have a great time this weekend!

    1. Ohmygosh Sydney- I am such a nerd . . . I thought you wanted to be anonymous! LOL. So glad to meet you! Your profile edit worked :) Have a great weekend!
