
Monday, January 28, 2013

Crisp Coral

Sweater: Old Navy {sold out}; Blouse: Old Navy; Skirt: J. Crew;
Boots: Miz Mooz {old}; Headband: Tasha {gifted via Nordstrom};
Bangles: Kate Spade, Ocean Leather, gifted


It's Monday and I don't have anything coherent to say so I'll just give you some ramblings of things running through my brain: I need to join Twitter. I don't understand what the new app "vine" is even though a ton of bloggers that I follow on IG posted pics of them having it. Do I have to get the "vine" app? Because I don't really want to. N and I saw 'Django Unchained' yesterday. It was both fantastic and heartbreaking. Epic acting and brought realness to the very scary truth that slavery ever existed. I ate a slice of pizza on Saturday and it made my heart so happy. Since going Whole30/Paleo I think I miss good pizza the most. And cream cheese. OMG. cream cheese. The fresh flowers in my office are still as fresh as ever since I bought them last Thursday. No petals have fallen off. WIN! Mondays are stupid. I just ate a teeny tiny piece of dark chocolate. the end. 

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