
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

De Peoples

Remember that time when I went home for my cousin's high school graduation party? It's ok- you don't really have to . . . all you need to know is that during the party my mom's side of the family was once again reunited in a big Mexican, Spanglish-speaking reunion. There are 23 of us in all, however we were missing 3 at the party because we had a cousin in El Salvador, another cousin that was working in Ohio, and an uncle that was working in Ohio. Anyway, for your reference, you should have a cast of important characters (please note: Spanglish-speaking up ahead):

Dis is de Ally:
She es de especial one. Ju will love her for de
smarts and de fun times. She might be de treasurer of de meetings . . .
nobody knows.

Dis is de Julie (and my godmother):
 Julie es de caller of de meetings and de self-proclaimed leader
of de BaFaHa pack! She es de one ju get de talking stick from and
she has to initiate ju into de clan.

Dis is de 'Laine (with Bum):
She es de type of glue that holds de family together.
She es a crier of de peoples because she has such a big

Dis is de Dennis (in de middle with de Gregg on de left and de Tomas on de right!):
He es de only boy in de siblings and he es de
crrrraaaaziest! He drive de fastest and es de
instigator to making de Ama mad. He es pretty funny doh.

Dis is de Ama:
She is de maker of alllll of de children and the only one who is
full full full of de Mexican blood! She is de reason we speak de

Then of course there are all of the in-laws who were lucky enough to marry into this crazy family. We, as children of the half-beaners, really had no choice in the matter. When this first started eons ago, we thought our parents were nuts and embarrasing. Seriously- when you're 13-16 years old and running through Disneyland with 22 other people all wearing the same bright yellow t-shirt as you, following a woman carrying a light-saber stick (aka: Julie), you think twice about following too closely. However, as you get older and realize the incredible effects of alcohol, have no bedtime, and start being able to curse in front of your family members- life gets a bit more humorous. And then, before you know it, you are a grown-up, working a 9-5(ish) job and you realize that crazy comedic relief keeps you sane. So you indulge in your crazy family and you end up like this: 

Here is a better shot with even more family members in it, ie: de Ama, my brother J, etc.

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