
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Homebrew and VooDoo

This past weekend I went to the land of hipsters and recyclables to visit my favorite cousin, D. He lives in NorthEast Portland and I took the train down on Friday afternoon. The train is lovely, but if you happen to sit next to 3 older women who spend the whole trip talking about knitting and all the yarn they are going to buy in P-town, you might want to make sure your ipod is fully charged.

Upon arrival, D and his roommate J picked me up from the station and we drove straight to Mt. Hood to go camping with my cousin's brewing club. It was sausage fest central and D kept apologizing profusely that he had dragged me into the lion's den. It really wasn't a big deal. I drank sour beer (it's my cousin's new favorite thing . . . I think it's kind of gross), ate too many brawts (whilst learning that you are only allowed to put MUSTARD on brawts- no ketchup), and looked at the massive amount of stars glittering the sky. I also spent quite a bit of time fending off this divorced man named Nathan who kept telling me that I should work for an environmental law firm and look at the stars more. Seriously? Like hello cliched Portlandite (Portlander? Whatevs). Anyway, the campground was glorious and it was lovely waking up to the rushing water of a nearby river on Saturday. On the way back to Portland we stopped at a brewery called Double Mountain and I did my daddy proud by indulging in the following beverage:

We also stopped by the brewery that J is planning on buying so my cousin can begin brewing there once he returns from brewing school in Germany ( right?!) This is the view from the back door of the establishment (Mt. Hood in the background!):
Yes please!

When back in P-Town that afternoon, we lounged in the 95 degree sunshine and ate fresh tomatoes from my cousin's garden which were delish. Later that night we played $15 worth of skee-ball at a dive bar around the corner with my cousin's tatted neighbors who are crazy 40-something-year-olds. We all got back at 2 a.m. and passed out on the comfiest couches of my life.

On Sunday morning, I finally got to visit VooDoo doughnuts! I was SO excited. See purchases below:

So adore the pink box!

Maple Bacon Bars, Cap N' Crunch, and Apple Fritter

Best Doughnut in Life.

OMG. It was seriously one of the most delicious things I had ever eaten. Anyway, we spent Sunday afternoon lounging at the tatted neighbors' and eating a big grilled breakfast, with bacon of course. Then I took the train back to Seattle and N picked me up and we ate mac and cheese and went night swimming in his pool until 10 p.m. The End :)

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