
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Video Girl: Macklemore + Me Part II

Today I woke up sick, stuffy, and coughy. I'm at work but not loving it. As a result, today's outfit is nothing to write home about (read: jeans, Sperry boat shoes, and bulky scarf- definite benefits to working in a "casual" law firm). So I'm not doing an outfit post today. Instead, I have some much more exciting news.

Remember way back when I posted about the music video I was in, Macklemore + Me? Well, yesterday Mr. Haggerty himself revealed his latest single 'Victory Lap,' along with the music video. And I'll be damned, yours truly was in it! Clips from the 'And We Danced' video were featured about halfway through (minute 2:13). Take a looksie (and a listen)!

 You'll find me on the right-hand side in a killer purple 80's
one-piece with gold aviators.

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